
Events & webinars

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Networking break of Women in Global Health Austria

26 - 19 September 2024

Organised by Women in Global Health Austria

Take a moment to unwind from the conference sessions and engage with the Women in Global Health Austria network. Whether you are looking to hear more about the network and its activities, exchange ideas, or simply meet new people in your field, this break is your chance to expand your network and...

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Conference Centre

Breaking barriers - women in health leadership

Breaking barriers - women in health leadership

5 June 2024 | 17:00-18:30

This event emphasised the importance of exchange and collaboration among different stakeholders. We explored how the public & private sectors, along with civil society, can learn from each other and work together to achieve fair representation of women in leadership roles.

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Vienna, Austria

Wie Frauen im Gesundheitswesen die alternde Gesellschaft verwandeln

Wie Frauen im Gesundheitswesen die alternde Gesellschaft verwandeln

17 April 2024 | 16:00-18:00

Diese Veranstaltung wird sich mit dem Zusammenhang zwischen Geschlecht und den Herausforderungen des Alterns befassen und Lösungen im Zusammenhang mit der Ausbildung, Planung, Steuerung und Versorgung im Gesundheits- und Pflegesektor beleuchten.


Medizinische Universität Graz

Heading towards well-being societies in Europe

Heading towards well-being societies in Europe

14 March 2024 | 12:00-13:30

Well-being societies are those that prioritise the well-being of their citizens over economic growth and profit. According to the World Health Organization, well-being is a positive state experienced by individuals and societies, determined by social, economic, and environmental conditions. It...

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Step by step against discrimination in the Austrian healthcare system

Step by step against discrimination in the Austrian healthcare system

31 January 2024 | 15:00-17:00

This interactive workshop, organised by the European Health Forum Gastein and Women in Global Health (WGH) Austria, included an exercise on privilege versus discrimination, followed by short spotlight contributions from experts from members of the Austrian WGH network on:- structural challenges-...

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Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection, Austria

Austrian Health Forum Gastein

Austrian Health Forum Gastein

25 - 26 September 2023

We are pleased to announce that the Austrian Health Forum Gastein will take place as a pre-conference event of the EHFG 2023. Registered participants of the EHFG are offered a discount, please contact to receive your fee reduction code.

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Bad Hofgastein, Austria

Revision of the EU general pharmaceutical legislation - addressing challenges, seizing opportunities

Revision of the EU general pharmaceutical legislation - addressing challenges, seizing opportunities

13 March 2023 | 18:00-19:30

In March 2023, the European Commission is due to publish its proposal for the upcoming revision of the EU pharmaceutical legislation, to ensure a future-proof and crisis-resistant regulatory system.  In this event key, experts will consider the opportunities and lessons learned from the pandemic and...

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Permanent Representation of Austria to the European Union, Brussels

Towards true One Health

Towards true One Health: Enhancing One Health efforts through EU support mechanism

25 January 2023 | 14:00-16:00

The Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), a temporary EU financial mechanism, is the key instrument at the heart of NextGenerationEU to support the sustainability and resilience of Member States in the COVID-19 pandemic recovery. Yet, it remains to be discussed how the use of the funds is invested...

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European Parliament, Brussels

Towards a European Health Union: how far have we come in strengthening health system resilience in Europe?

Towards a European Health Union: how far have we come in strengthening health system resilience in Europe?

1 December 2022 | 14:00-15:00

The responses to the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated what the EU can achieve in health and health systems. We have seen joint procurement of vaccines. The mandate of existing EU agencies like the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) have...

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Cancer Care Efficiency

Cancer Care Efficiency: A path from evidence to implementation

25 October 2022 | 11:00-12:15

Inefficient cancer care can be a leading factor in poorer outcomes for patients. Building efficiency in cancer care requires health systems to operate as highly effective, evidence-based and data-driven learning systems. Yet, this cannot be achieved without a coordinated effort to eliminate the...

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Strengthening European Reference Networks: ensuring optimal care for all

Strengthening European Reference Networks: ensuring optimal care for all

23 June 2022 | 12:00-13:00

European Reference Networks (ERNs) aim to optimise care for patients with complex or rare diseases and conditions that require highly specialised treatment, by facilitating discussion among providers in different European countries and bundling knowledge and resources. The first ERNs were launched...

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A united voice: towards a new European strategy for global health

A united voice: towards a new European strategy for global health

8 June 2022 | 14:00-15:00

The French Presidency is strongly focusing on the revision of the European strategy on global health. The global geopolitical, economic, and environmental context has changed dramatically since its previous publication in 2010. We have faced numerous global challenges, including conflicts, financial...

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Healthcare provision in times of armed conflict

Healthcare provision in times of armed conflict: What have we learned from the last European conflict in ex-Yugoslavia?

20 May 2022 | 12:00-13:30

The war in Ukraine is urging us to reflect on how armed conflict affects the health of all those involved. From the challenge of providing immediate medical aid to the people injured by the hostilities to ensuring continuity of care for chronic patients; from containing the spread of infectious...

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The European health workforce and the digital skills gap: What is the EU’s role in closing the divide?

The European health workforce and the digital skills gap: What is the EU’s role in closing the divide?

10 March 2022 | 11:00-12:00

Digital tools hold the potential to improve the efficiency, accessibility, and quality of care. But even if the technologies are at hand, we cannot fully utilise them whilst the digital skills gap in the health workforce remains.During the COVID-19 pandemic many digital health tools moved from...

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The European Health Union & access to health technologies: is joint purchasing the way forward?

The European Health Union & access to health technologies: is joint purchasing the way forward?

10 February 2022 | 12:00-13:00

This 60-minute session is the first of a European Health Union Initiative webinar series with the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, organised in close cooperation European Health Forum Gastein.The enduring problem of ensuring sustainable and equitable access to affordable...

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Business as usual? The case for transforming global health governance

Business as usual? The case for transforming global health governance

25 January 2022 | 15:00-16:30

The COVID-19 crisis has thrown into sharp relief the need to better anticipate the next pandemic, and to harmonise preparedness mechanisms across the globe. As negotiations towards a new international pandemic agreement take shape, initiated by the European Union, World Health Organization and...

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2014 - 2021 Events & webinars

No events available.
Rise like a phoenix: Health at the heart of a resilient future for Europe

Rise like a phoenix: Health at the heart of a resilient future for Europe

27 September - 1 October 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has upended lives and radically altered the political landscape. While we continue to fight fires and look towards an uncertain future, amidst the ashes of this unprecedented crisis there lies an opportunity for renewal and rebirth. Health is having a rare moment in the political spotlight: now is the time to fight for solidarity, equity and transformation in health, within Europe and on the global stage.

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International Conference on Primary Healthcare in Austria and Europe: Innovation for Resilient Health Systems

International Conference on Primary Healthcare in Austria and Europe: Innovation for Resilient Health Systems

09 September 2021

European health systems face numerous challenges today. As they start to recover from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, ensuring they come back more resilient, sustainable and effective is imperative. Innovation holds the key to transforming health and care systems and to making them fit for the future. However, implementing innovative solutions from theory to practice can be extremely demanding. These challenges call for a joint vision to foster European collaboration and mutual learning for the successful transfer and implementation of innovations.


The Conference will explore the potential of innovation in governance and finance to strengthen health system resilience and in particular Primary Healthcare in Europe. The panelists will discuss ongoing initiatives and collaborative instruments which European partners can capitalise on to implement innovation. The Conference aims to provide a platform for mutual learning: from sharing successful experiences in the Austrian context of Primary Healthcare to reflecting together on the lessons learnt from COVID-19 across the European continent.



Transforming the future of healthcare: Do cell and gene therapies hold the key?

Transforming the future of healthcare: Do cell and gene therapies hold the key?

15 June 2021

While cell and gene therapies are constantly evolving and offer a lot of promise for rare and chronic conditions, they are also surrounded by a range of scientific, logistic and regulatory challenges. There is a clear need for decision-makers and experts to come together to define a sustainable way forward in ensuring safe and affordable access to novel treatments in this space. During this webinar our multi-stakeholder panel discussed transformative therapies and explored their impact on our health and on the systems that deliver them.

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UNITED IMMUNISING AGAINST COVID-19: Starting shot for vaccines

UNITED IMMUNISING AGAINST COVID-19: Starting shot for vaccines

20 April 2021

This webinar, organised in partnership with Valneva, focused particularly on the experiences of scientists, policymakers and industry, looking back at successes and roadblocks experienced in acquiring and administering the first COVID-19 vaccines, as well as forward, armed with the lessons learned.

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TOWARDS A EUROPEAN HEALTH UNION: Have we failed to protect Europe's people?

TOWARDS A EUROPEAN HEALTH UNION: Have we failed to protect Europe's people?

11 March 2021

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to grip the continent, it is hard to deny that our collective failings during the crisis have been massive. Fault lines in the current model of European collaboration are standing out starkly again in the struggle for timely and equitable vaccine roll-outs.

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TOWARDS A EUROPEAN HEALTH UNION: A vision for more EU in health

TOWARDS A EUROPEAN HEALTH UNION: A vision for more EU in health

09 December 2020

This webinar introduces the recently launched Manifesto for a European Health Union and engages speakers and webinar participants in a candid dialogue about the Manifesto’s goals and how they may best be achieved. As the Conference on the Future of Europe charts a course for Europe’s road to recovery, can we take the current crisis as an opportunity to build a stronger, more participatory and more resilient European (Health) Union where the lives and health of everyone matter?

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16 October 2020

The third webinar in the series 'Policy debates during the pandemic', in conjunction with the Nobody Left Outside (NLO) initiative, considers how the pandemic has amplified existing challenges among marginalised communities such as homeless people, LGTBI people, people who use drugs, prisoners, sex workers and undocumented migrants, all of whom already face a high risk of poor health and various barriers in accessing healthcare and support services. Watch the discussion under the heading 'COVID-19 in marginalsed groups: Challenges, actions and voices'.

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11 September 2020

The second webinar in the series 'Policy debates during the pandemic' takes a look at how COVID-19 has reshaped the vaccines landscape in terms of R&D, procurement, and international cooperation. Has a new distribution of stakeholder roles and responsibilities emerged and if so, what are the implications and are they here to stay, to help tackle future crises? This webinar explores opportunities and challenges under the headline 'Stronger together: Solidarity for an accessible COVID-19 vaccine'.

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POLICY DEBATES DURING THE PANDEMIC: Does speed trump perfection?

POLICY DEBATES DURING THE PANDEMIC: Does speed trump perfection?

30 June 2020

The first webinar in the series 'Policy debates during the pandemic' focuses on the perspective of policymakers, scientists, international agencies and knowledge brokers on the challenges of aligning policy and evidence in a fast-moving crisis with a large amount of uncertainties, under the headline 'Does speed trump perfection? Evidence for policy and practice: Informing the COVID-19 response'.

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EHFG 2019 Hackathon

EHFG 2019 Hackathon

1 - 4 October 2019

The EHFG hosted its second hackathon, jointly organised with EIT Health and with the organisational support of PROIDEA. A hackathon nurtures competition built upon collaboration and aims for an acquisition of knowledge, which is expected to bring forward new ideas. The application call was open to anyone interested in developing innovative solutions for health-related problems.

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Bad Hofgastein, Austria

Weckruf für die Ausbildung: Gesundheitsberufe der Zukunft

Weckruf für die Ausbildung: Gesundheitsberufe der Zukunft

24 Juni 2019

Wie machen wir unser Gesundheitspersonal fit für die Zukunft? Wie gehen wir mit Herausforderungen durch Personalverknappung und eine ansteigende Burn-Out-Rate um? Wie begegnen wir neuen Entwicklungen wie Aufgabendelegierung und Digitalisierung?

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Wien, Österreich

Beyond the horizon - What will the world of research look like 10 years from now

Beyond the horizon - What will the world of research look like 10 years from now

2 May 2019

Our EHFG afternoon event in London, hosted by the Wellcome Trust, explored how current trends might shape the future research landscape and environment, and considered the implications for research more generally and health research in particular from a number of different perspectives, taking as a starting point a recently released “Research Futures” study conducted by Elsevier and Ipsos Mori.

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London, United Kingdom



2 - 5 October 2018

We are excited about introducing new ways of outcomes-oriented working to the EHFG – for the first time, the EHFG will be hosting a joint hackathon with our new partners from EIT Health. Our objective is to bring together 35 participants from different backgrounds from all over Europe to work in teams in order to arrive at an innovative solution to a neat, well defined problem within 36 hours. A hackathon nurtures competition built upon collaboration and aims for an acquisition of knowledge, which is expected to bring forward new ideas.


Bad Hofgastein, Austria

EHFG in EP talks

EHFG in EP talks

25 June 2018

The EHFG uniquely comes to Brussels to kick-off the 2018 discussions with an event in the European Parliament on 25 June. Hosted by Karin Kadenbach MEP, the speakers will reflect on the EHFG’s 2018 theme, HEALTH AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT – BOLD POLITICAL CHOICES FOR AGENDA 2030.

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European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium

EHFG Innovation round-table

EHFG Innovation round-table

03 October 2017

The Innovation round-table is a new EHFG pilot project which took place as a pre-conference event. The project gathered twenty high-level experts from the field of innovation, health industry, health policy and practice, opening a platform for discussion about the role and use of innovation in healthcare.

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Bad Hofgastein, Austria

EHFG Outcomes Event 2017

EHFG Outcomes Event 2017

28 June 2017

Based on the discussions surrounding access to innovative therapies at the EHFG 2016, the European Health Forum Gastein jointly with the Federal Ministry of Health and Women's Affairs and the Main Association of Austrian Social Security Institutions organised a workshop for the Austrian health community in Vienna.

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Vienna, Austria



27 September 2016

Here to stay? Health apps and their place in European health systems. A pre-event to the EHFG annual conference. This event series offers a platform for all those involved in a health app's life cycle, thus facilitating qualified and informed discussions on needs, problems and solutions in order to work towards realising the full potential of health apps within EU healthcare systems.

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Bad Hofgastein, Austria

EHFG Outcomes Event 2016

EHFG Outcomes Event 2016

12 May 2016

Zukunftssichere Gesundheitspolitik für Österreich. Wie gestalten wir ein zukunftssicheres Gesundheitssystem? Wie kann ein gleichberechtigter Zugang zu Innovationen im Gesundheitsbereich ermöglicht werden? Welche Werte sollte eine moderne Gesundheitspolitik in der Entscheidungsfindung berücksichtigen? In der dritten Veranstaltung diskutierten ExpertInnen welche innovativen Ansätze zur Sicherung der Gesundheitsversorgung in Österreich nötig sind.

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Vienna, Austria

EHFG Outcomes Event 2015

EHFG Outcomes Event 2015

09 April 2015

Gesundheitspolitik neu denken - Von Österreich nach Europa und retour. Wie sieht eine sinnvolle Aufteilung der Gesundheitskompetenzen zwischen der EU und den Mitgliedsländern aus? Wie hängen Gesundheit und Wohlstand einer Gesellschaft zusammen? Darüber diskutierte eine international besetzte Expertenrunde im Rahmen der zweiten Workshop Serie.

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Vienna, Austria

EHFG Outcomes Event 2014

EHFG Outcomes Event 2014

03 June 2014

Austria: A resilient and innovative health system? In der ersten Edition der Workshop Serie wurden die Ergebnisse der EHFG 2013 Konferenz über „Resilient and Innovative Health Systems for Europe“ in Bezug auf das österreichische Gesundheitssystem betrachtet und diskutiert.

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Vienna, Austria


If you would like to know more about our external events, please contact:

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EHFG Vienna Office

The European Health Forum Gastein has received funding under a project grant from the European Union’s EU4Health programme 2021-2027. Views and opinions expressed on this website are however those of the author only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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