
Healthcare provision in times of armed conflict

What have we learned from the last European conflict in ex-Yugoslavia?

20 May 2022 | 12:00-13:30 | Online

The war in Ukraine is urging us to reflect on how armed conflict affects the health of all those involved. From the challenge of providing immediate medical aid to the people injured by the hostilities to ensuring continuity of care for chronic patients; from containing the spread of infectious diseases to ensuring access to healthcare for displaced people – the devastating impact of war on healthcare systems is dramatic.

The aim of this webinar is to consider the current health-related issues caused by the conflict in Ukraine, through the lens of those who have experienced armed conflict in the recent past – communities in the Balkans. The webinar aims to bring together local actors from the health sector, civil society and policymakers involved in providing medical assistance during the conflict in ex-Yugoslavia, as well as working for the reconstruction of the local healthcare systems in the post-war phase, with EU policymakers and international actors who are dealing with the response to the Ukrainian conflict now.

Read the webinar outcomes here

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Jarno Habicht

Head of Country Office, Ukraine, WHO Regional Office for Europe

Goran Čerkez

Assistant Minister, Federal Ministry of Health, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Jaime Calderon

Regional Migration Health Advisor, IOM Regional Office for South-Eastern Europe, Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Biljana Lakic

Psychiatrist, University Clinical Center of Republika Srpska, Bosna and Herzegovina

Halyna Skipalska

Country Director for Ukraine, HealthRight International

Mira Jovanovski Dašić

Head of Secretariat, South-eastern Europe Health Network (SEEHN)

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