
Co-creating better food systems in Europe

The role of consumers' informed choices in transitioning to healthier and more sustainable food systems

Tuesday, 27 September 2022 | 07:30-08:45 | Hotel Das Alpenhaus

Organised by SafeConsume, Toxosource, EuroHealthNet/FEAST project, and the Danish Committee for Health Education

Our increasingly globalised, commodified and centralised food systems have an enormous impact on health, environmental conditions, and social equity and rights in Europe and the rest of the world. 

The urgency for a transition to sustainable – and health-promoting food systems is self-evident. There’s been substantial support and constructive engagement with the EU Farm to Fork Strategy’s agenda recently. However, a lot of work is still ahead in realising our joint commitment to sustainability, accompanied by a paradigm shift towards a public health-oriented food system.

The nature of our food systems affects what and how people consume, and conversely, people, by the choices they make and what they consume, can have a big impact on shaping these systems. This session will explore the role of (informed, empowered and literate) citizens in multi-governance efforts to transition to safer, healthier, more sustainable and equitable food systems. This will be done by showcasing three examples of evidence-based policies and initiatives where consumers and citizens play a key role for this purpose.

Session recording



  • Lars Münter, Communications Lead, Nordic Health 2030 Movement

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