
Sepsis: the unrecognised health emergency

A holistic approach to infection management

Wednesday, 28 September 2022 | 09:00-10:30 | Kursaal

Organised by European Sepsis Alliance (ESA), Sponsored by Becton, Dickinson and Company (BD)

Despite being the most common cause of death from infections, including COVID-19, sepsis is not yet sufficiently known amongst lay people and health professionals. One in five deaths worldwide is caused by sepsis.  

Low awareness rates make it difficult for patients and clinicians to detect sepsis symptoms in time and respond adequately. However, sepsis can be easily treated. Early recognition and cost-effective tools can save lives and minimise the socio-economic burden on health systems. Yet, still today, too many sepsis patients die or suffer long-term consequences from wrong diagnoses and therapies. 

In this session, we will learn about sepsis from the patient perspective, share new data on the quality of sepsis care, and discuss its importance in infection management and AMR strategies. We will present sepsis as an indicator of the quality of care, explore best practices in sepsis management, and discuss how harmonised approaches at the EU level could save lives across Europe. 

Session recording


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