
Pharma strategy – put yourself in my shoes!

An interactive session on the European pharma ecosystem

Wednesday, 28 September 2022 | 17:00-18:30 | Conference Centre

Organised by MSD & The European Social Insurance Platform (ESIP)

The Von der Leyen Commission has announced a full revamp of the rules around the pharmaceutical sector in Europe, with the headline commitment that the EU will find treatments for unmet needs and will ensure that EU citizens, regardless of where they live, have access to the best medicines. All actors in the European healthcare systems agree with these objectives. But will they agree on how to achieve them? 

In this interactive session, participants are invited to experience the roles of those they sometimes challenge in policy debates: for example, payers will have the opportunity to play industry representatives, patients to play regulators and industry to play civil servants from ministries of health or finance. The goal: design the best pharmaceutical ecosystem for Europe moving forward. The difficulty: everyone wants to take different approaches and actions, but without concerted efforts towards collaboration, no one will win! 

Join us and walk a mile in someone else´s shoes! 

Session recording


  • Nathalie Moll, Director General, European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations
  • Kaisa Immonen, Director of Policy, European Patients’ Forum
  • Yannis Natsis, Director, European Social Insurance Platform
  • Nick Fahy, Research Group Director, RAND Europe

Moderated by

  • Dimitra Panteli, Programme Manager, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies

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