
Healthcare transformation across CEE

Collaborative work to deliver patient centred care – lessons learned from Net4Care

Thursday, 29 September 2022 | 11:00-12:30 | Kursaal

Organised by Net4Care, the South-Eastern Europe Health Network, and the European Health Union initiative

For many years, and further accelerated by the COVID19 pandemic, countries across Europe have been encouraged to transform their health systems to improve patient access to good quality and affordable care services that are person-centred and digitally enabled. Despite their specific challenges, countries in Central, Eastern, and Southern Europe CEE have shown to create local health transformation successes. The session discussion will address current practices and their success factors from patient and professional perspectives.

Panellists shall reflect on the lessons learned from the Net4Care initiative, a network supported by Roche, including approaches to patient-centred design of integrated services, implementation, and up-scaling whilst delivering financial and regulatory requirements. Multiple stakeholders will discuss the implications for concrete policy action and related instruments, formulating key points to strengthen public-private collaboration for health system transformation in Central, Eastern and Southern Europe.

Session recording



  • Nick Guldemond, Professor, Leiden University Medical Center / World Organisation of Family Doctors / Medical University of Gdansk & Sechenov

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