
Gamification in health policy making

Can digital tools lead to science-based policies?

Monday, 26 September 2022 | 16:00-17:30 | Conference Centre

Organised by the Catholic University of Portugal, Sponsored by Sanofi

Can the use of gamification of digital tools and modeling lead to better policymaking? What are the ethical considerations around automation of policy making processes?

We are looking forward to debating such issues and presenting a case study. The “Let’s Control Flu” project – a partnership between the Catholic University of Portugal (scientific work and project management) and Sanofi (sponsoring) – is seeking to assess the effects of different public health policies in controlling the seasonal flu, utilising gamification to simulate the outcome of Vaccination Coverage Rates (VCR) using different compositions of public health policies. The project has already been applied to Sweden and will be rolled out to four other European countries.

This session will gather feedback from the audience and discuss the wider implications of modeling tools, in their utility and limitations, for the decision-making process on public health policies.

Session recording


  • Ricardo Baptista Leite, CEO, I-DAIR
  • Hans Winberg, Secretary General, Leading Health Care Foundation
  • Henrique Lopes, Scientific coordinator, Public Health - Catholic University of Portugal
  • Nicole Mauer, Technical Officer, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies
  • Tim Nguyen, Head of Unit for High Impact Events in the Epidemic and Pandemic Preparedness and Prevention Department, WHO Emergencies Programme
  • Corinne Bardone, Head of Vaccines Public Affairs Europe, Sanofi


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