
European Cancer Plan – a step towards a health union?

Tackling the socioeconomic impact of cancer through joint EU action

Thursday, 29 September 2022 | 09:00-10:30 | Kursaal

Organised by MSD and the London School of Economics and Political Science

Recent scientific and technological breakthroughs in cancer care mean that patients now have the potential to live longer and better lives; however, demographics and the socioeconomic impact of cancer continues to affect individuals, families, and societies. Panellists spanning academia, advocacy, and policy will explore whether Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan is a case example for the Health Union to respond to the societal demands of the rising challenge of cancer.  

Oncology experts from Australia, Romania, and Switzerland will provide insights from their research, including evidence-based and forward-looking policy recommendations that address the broader financial impact of cancer care whilst delivering better health outcomes for cancer patients. Discussion will centre around the ways in which effective policy can overcome the shared barriers to care, tackle health inequities, and minimise the socioeconomic costs of cancer in Europe and beyond. 

Session recording


  • Bettina Ryll, Founder, Melanoma Patient Network Europe
  • Clara Volintiru, Associate Professor, Bucharest University of Economic Studies
  • Stefan Schreck, Advisor for Stakeholder Relations, European Commission Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety
  • Oliver Kessler, Scientist & Consultant, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences & Arts
  • Alexander Roediger, Executive Director, Global Lead Oncology Policy, MSD


  • Panos Kanavos, Associate Professor of International Health Policy, London School of Economics and Political Science

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