
Aligning the stars for access to novel medicines

An innovative multistakeholder approach in the WHO European Region

Tuesday, 27 September 2022 | 15:00-16:30 | Conference Centre

Organised by the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe

The Oslo Medicines Initiative (OMI) was launched in 2020 as a collaboration between the WHO European Region and the Government of Norway, as part of the European Programme of Work, United Action for Better Health. 

The OMI underscores the importance of collaboration between the public and private sectors, and other key stakeholders, to develop potential joint solutions for improving access to novel medicines. 

This session will celebrate the achievements of the OMI and will highlight some key policy considerations that can be explored further to advance the access to novel medicines agenda.    

Session recording


  • Hans Henri P. Kluge, Regional Director for Europe, World Health Organization
  • Isabel de la Mata, Principal Advisor for Health and Crisis Management, European Commission Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety
  • Francesca Colombo, Head of OECD Health Division, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
  • Yannis Natsis, Director, European Social Insurance Platform
  • Alexandra Tamas, Director Public Affairs, European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries & Associations
  • Simone Boselli, Public Affairs Director, EURORDIS
  • Michael Berntgen, Head of the Scientific Evidence Generation Department, European Medicines Agency


  • Natasha Azzopardi-Muscat, Director, Division of Country Health Policies and Systems, WHO Regional Office for Europe
  • Sarah Garner, Acting Programme Manager, Access to Medicines and Health Products, WHO Regional Office for Europe

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