
EHFG 2023: Health systems in crisis

Countering shockwaves and fatigue


For over twenty five years, the European Health Forum Gastein has worked to bring together its four pillars – public and private sectors, civil society, science & academia – to facilitate a frank but fair dialogue on health and policy by providing an impartial and inclusive platform for debate.

EHFG Publications & Clippings

Publications 2023

Eurohealth - Health systems in crisis 

Healthy Europe Magazine 

Clippings 2023

12 December 2023: Health spending is driving people into poverty in Europe and central Asia (The BMJ)

19 October: Mensch & Tier Antibiotikaresistenzen (Die Österreichische Apotheker-Zeitung - ÖAZ)

19 October: World View (Politico)

17 October: Specter of US-style system hangs over Europe’s health leaders (Politico)

11 October: Greš v banko, pa ne dobiš kredita, ker imaš raka (VECER)

7 October: Schwieriger Weg nach oben (ORF)

6 October: Verhandeln satt diktieren (Der Tagesspiegel)

6 October: With enhancements and continued patient focus, expediated regulatory pathways still delivering, EMA official says (The Pharma Letter)

6 October: Schwarmintelligenz im Mannschaftssport (Die Presse)

5 October: AMR: Stability in research and development key, pharmaceutical industry warns (EURACTIV)

5 October: Sweden’s winter drug stockpiling plan risks backfiring (Politico) 

5 October: EU medical agency chief: Global surveillance, preparedness key to face future threats (EURACTIV)

4 October: Overarching effect of health in EU policies (EURACTIV)

4 October: Concerns over potential drug shortages rise as winter approaches (EURACTIV)

4 October: Gesundheitsversorgung Sieben Jahre Dürre (Der Tagesspiegel)

3 October: Overarching, different policies approach needed to address health in EU, stakeholders say (EURACTIV)

3 October: Krankenhaus Schwarzach sucht Pflegekräfte auf den Philippinen (Salzburger Nachrichten)

3 October: Den Kollaps in der Pflege verhindern (

2 October: EU health priorities: Observatory and European Commission launch public debate (European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies)

2 October: Ethics in AI needs to be advanced to better protect patients’ health (EURACTIV)

2 October: Personalmangel als Großbaustelle (ORF)

30 September: El plan vasco de envejecimiento y cronicidad, referente europeo (Deia)

29 September: More about mineral water in the EU than bottles of wine (The Storiest)

29 September: WHO-Expertin auf European Health Forum: Auf Mineralwasser stehen mehr Infos als auf Weinflaschen (Salzburger Nachrichten)

29 September: Tackling Europe’s ‘triple A’ challenge: a bold ambition of EU’s pharma legislation (The Pharma Letter)

29 September: Belgium to Put Health Workforce Crisis on EU Presidency Agenda for First Time in a Decade (Health Policy Watch)

29 September: European Health Forum Gastein: Klimakrise trifft Gesundheit von Randgruppen stärker (Salzburger Nachrichten)

28 September: Evropski spopad z udarnimi valovi v zdravstvu (VECER)

28 September: Europe Is Struggling to Keep its Health Systems Afloat (Health Policy Watch)

28 September: Antimicrobial resistance: A threat that cannot longer be ignored (EURACTIV)

28 September: Warnung vor Zusammenbruch des Gesundheitssystems (MedMedia)

28 September: Antimicrobial resistance not just a European issue, Malta minister says (EURACTIV)

27 September: Die Rückkehr zu einer alten Idee (Der Tagesspiegel)

27 September: Europe’s healthcare system is less resilient, according to the World Health Organization (The Storiest)

27 September: Europas Gesundheitssystem laut WHO weniger widerstandsfähig (VOL.AT)

27 September: As one health file closes, another opens (EURACTIV)

26 September: Ausländische Pflegekräfte mit Deutschland holen (ORF)

26 September: Rauch kooperiert für Pfleger aus dem Ausland mit Deutschland (VOL.AT)

25 September: Europe on the frontline in the fight against AMR (EURACTIV)

22 September: European Health Forum Gastein zur Krise des Gesundheitssystems (APA Science)

21 September: Primarärzte und Spitalsmanager müssen aufwachen (MedMedia)

13 September: European Health Forum Gastein 2023: Health systems in crisis (EURACTIV)

9 September: Europäisch gedacht – lokal umgesetzt (Die Presse)

14 March: Commission to seek patient-centred, industry-friendly pharma rules reform (EURACTIV)

EHFG News & Updates

EHFG Headquarters

EHFG Vienna Office

The European Health Forum Gastein has received funding under a project grant from the European Union’s EU4Health programme 2021-2027. Views and opinions expressed on this website are however those of the author only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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