
The Economy of Well-being revolution.

A new paradigm for future fit funding

Friday, 1 October 2021 | 17:00-18:00 | Room 1

Organised by EuroHealthNet and Nordic Health 2030 Movement

It is widely recognised that prevention is a more economical and effective approach than cure, and yet, health promotion and preventative care has long been a secondary thought in the science of wellbeing. Looking forward, towards a transition to more equitable and sustainable healthcare systems, it is clear we need a new paradigm of funding for innovative models that invest in communities and inclusive systems.

The session shall discuss how we go beyond current schemes and explore potential new models, which aspire to a radical shift in funding mechanisms and that reignite the power of investments for health. Has the pandemic provided policy makers and funders with the opportunity to adopt new viewpoints and an impetus for future-fit solutions?

We invite you to join this session, delivered by Nordic Health 2030 Movement and EuroHealthNet, to reflect on pioneering narrative and schemes currently being realised across national and local health ecosystems to provide high quality preventative care and supporting healthier communities.

Session Recording

Speakers & panellists

Moderated by

  • Lars Münter, Communications Lead, Nordic Health 2030 Movement


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