
Re-thinking the future of cancer care

Build back, move forward, measure improvements

Monday, 27 September 2021 | 17:00-18:00 | Room 1

Organised by the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries & Associations, European Cancer Patient Coalition and European Cancer Organisation

COVID-19 has shown there is no wealth without health. But it equally showed that economy and healthcare can be re-imagined, and that no one can do it alone. We have the opportunity to re-think the cancer care system of the future whilst making innovation accessible, resilient, agile and prosperous. How would healthcare systems and cancer care 3.0 look?

Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan: if implemented, cancer care could rise like a Phoenix post-COVID-19 to restore what we missed, to build back better and turn a new page for cancer care. To achieve this goal, we need to stay focused - and a set of jointly agreed indicators to measure progress can keep all of us focused on what matters.

Cancer care can be used as a model to define new methods, fostering collaboration, solidarity and accountability. Join us for this "bar camp" conversation where you can decide what is relevant, and contribute to re-shaping cancer care after the pandemic has shaken our world and health systems!

Session Recording

Speakers & panellists

Setting the stage

  • Mark Lawler, Board Member, European Cancer Organisation

First panel

Second panel

  • Cristian-Silviu Buşoi, MEP, European Parliament
  • Urška Erklavec, Public servant for the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Slovenia
  • John Ryan, Director of the Public Health, Country Knowledge & Crisis Management Directorate, European Commission Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety

Moderated by

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