
Pharmaceutical Strategy for Europe

Building a comprehensive pharmaceutical policy to address today’s challenges and tomorrow’s realities

Thursday, 1 October 2020 | 16:30-18:00 | Room 2

Organised by the Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety of the European Commission

The Pharmaceutical Strategy for Europe aims to ensure Europe’s supply of safe and affordable medicines to meet patients’ needs and support the European pharmaceutical industry to remain an innovator and world leader. Being linked to the new Industrial Strategy, this initiative aims to boost the global competitiveness of the EU pharmaceutical manufacturing value chain and to secure the EU’s strategic autonomy in this area.

The strategy replies to a recurrent debate about access, availability (including shortages) and affordability of medicines. The COVID-19 pandemic clearly further underlined the need to ensure continuous access to medicines for the population, as well as the need for a coordinated EU response to this kind of crisis.

Earlier this year, the Commission published a roadmap highlighting some of the challenges and objectives of the project. A public consultation ends in September, and the Strategy itself will be published later this year. In this session, we will discuss specific angles of the strategy in an interactive setting, including in the area of rare diseases and medicines for children. Join us to contribute your views on current and future challenges and ways to address them!

Session Recording

Speakers & panellists

Keynote Input

  • Sandra Gallina, Director-General, European Commission Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety

Panel Discussion

  • Lorraine Nolan, Chief Executive, Irish Medicines Agency
  • Thomas Bols, Head of Government Affairs and Public Policy EMEA & APAC, PTC Therapeutics
  • Lydie Meheus, Managing Director, Anticancer Fund
  • Rex Clements, CEO, Centrient Pharmaceuticals
  • Andrzej Rys, Director, Health Systems and Products Directorate, European Commission

Moderated by

  • Petra Wilson, Co-founder and managing director, Health Connect Partners


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