
EHFG Hackathon 2020 & Winner

25 – 27 September 2020, Online

Within the framework of the 2020 conference, the European Health Forum Gastein hosted its third annual hackathon. Jointly organised with EIT Health, this year’s event challenged participants to create innovative and implementable digital solutions to support the continuity of mental health care during times of crisis.

The application call was open to anyone interested in developing innovative solutions for health-related problems. 59 selected participants, from 18 European countries and with diverse professional backgrounds, were divided into 14 teams and given 40 hours to develop their solution. Two prizes, a jury prize and an audience prize, amounting to €25.000 was awarded to the winning project.

The Finalists

Project 1: Aidemy

Awarded both the jury and audience prize, Aidemy is a solution which trains everyday people to become mental health first responders, who can recognise the warning signs of mental health disorders, and provide psychological first aid for them. 

Project 2: Animo

Team Animo developed a patient-driven software for individuals with severe mental health illness; using in-app voice-recording and patient-profiling functionalities it serves as a communication platform for clients, their families, and health professionals.

Project 3: PeerMent

The PeerMent team designed a support platform specifically for single parents. The platform enables parents to connect with and learn from peers with similar experiences, allowing them increase self-awareness to take care of their own mental well-being. 

Final Pitches



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The European Health Forum Gastein has received funding under a project grant from the European Union’s EU4Health programme 2021-2027. Views and opinions expressed on this website are however those of the author only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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