
We are what we eat

The power of a healthy gut and disruptive nutrition policies

Friday, 4 October 2019 | 12:00-13:30 | Room 2

Organised by United European Gastroenterology (UEG)

This session will focus on the impact of nutrition on gastrointestinal (GI) health, outlining risks associated with unhealthy diets and calling for food reformulation policies to improve (digestive) health. The session will particularly introduce lifestyle-related GI diseases and disruptive innovations in the GI space around creating gut balance by modulating the microbiome. The latest innovations in therapeutic GI treatment and prevention, looking into the intake of oral antibodies and use of probiotics and prebiotics, will be showcased. On the policy side, the session will highlight Israel’s innovative nutrition policy, providing a comparative overview of nutrition policy from the EU and beyond. After setting the scene with a keynote, we will hear from an expert panel as well as from you, the audience, in an interactive discussion moderated by a science journalist.

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Speakers & panellists



  • Anya Sitaram, Founding Director and Executive Producer, Rockhopper TV

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