
Time matters

A call to prioritize brain health

Thursday, 3 October 2019 | 13:30-14:00 | Conference Center Foyer

Organised by Oxford Health Policy Forum

Neurodegenerative diseases pose an enormous socioeconomic and individual burden, and this will continue to grow. What should we do to avert a crisis?

Individuals can participate actively in prioritizing their own brain health: during this Networking Break, the Oxford Health Policy Forum will present a report that explains how.

The report presents expert, evidence-based policy recommendations that challenge policymakers, researchers, funding bodies and healthcare professionals to collaborate in planning for the healthcare structures of the future. We should start to plan now, by gathering the evidence that is needed to make wise and transformative decisions – even if the implications are challenging, and potentially even disruptive.

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Speakers & panellists


  • Alastair Noyce, Reader in Neurology and Consultant Neurologist, Queen Mary University of London and Barts Health

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