
Shortage of essential medicines

An imminent health risk for patients?

Friday, 4 October 2019 | 12:00-13:30 | Room 1

Organised by the Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE), European Commission

Medicine shortages in European hospitals and pharmacies are a serious concern. Antibiotics, oncology medicines and vaccines are frequently reported as in short supply with a risk of under-treatment and possible medication errors from attempts to substitute missing medicines. Numerous reasons have been identi?ed including manufacturing problems, insufficient quotas, parallel trade, commercial decisions, the limited number of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) manufacturers and dependence on third countries for those APIs. This session will explore possible solutions around:

  • how to secure continuous medicine supplies for our patients,
  • how to ensure monitoring and early notification of interruptions to the medicines supply chain to find alternative solutions in a timely manner,
  • the role and responsibilities of the European Union, Member States and other stakeholders.

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