
Save blood, save lives

Improving patient outcomes through Patient Blood Management

Wednesday, 2 October 2019 | 17:30-19:30 | Room 2

Organised by Vifor Pharma

Blood is a scarce, precious and sometimes overused resource. Against a backdrop of waning blood supplies and concern about transmissible diseases, the European Commission is considering a review of the EU Blood Directive. It is timely to reflect on current blood policies and how to improve patient care while building sustainable healthcare models.

Patient Blood Management (PBM) is a paradigm shift, disrupting standard healthcare practices. It has the potential for re-imagining hospital systems and the patient journey by reducing the need for transfusions - thus making blood available to those who need it most, improving patient outcomes and reducing healthcare costs. A multi-sectoral panel of experts will discuss blood policy, PBM and their impact on healthcare systems. Participants will be encouraged to reflect on existing policies, the role of patients and how to drive PBM policy uptake.

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Session Recording

Speakers & panellists


  • Axel Hofmann, Board member, International Federation of Patient Blood Management


  • Christoph Zenger, Director, Zentrum für Gesundheitsrecht un Managemetn im Gesundheitswesen
  • Elvira Bisbe Vives, Doctor, Consultant Anesthesiologist, University Hosipital Mar-Esperanca, Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute
  • Danny Havenith, Board member, Belgische Vereniging van Ziekenhuisdirecteurs (BVZD)/ Association Belge des Directeurs d'Hôpitaux (L'ABDH)


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