
Nobody Left Outside

Improving healthcare access for underserved communities

Thursday, 3 October 2019 | 07:30-08:45 | Hotel Das Alpenhaus

Organised by MSD and NLO

A growing number of people in Europe are left outside of the healthcare system. These include our most marginalised communities, such as homeless people, migrants, sex workers, prisoners, people who use drugs and LGBTI people. The Nobody Left Outside (NLO) initiative aims to help engage these communities in healthcare policy and service design, to improve access and equity, and help achieve the SDGs. Building on the conversations started and the outcomes generated by a highly successful EHFG session in 2017, this event comprises:

1. NLO Breakfast Workshop
Thursday, 3 October 2019, 7.30-8.45, Hotel Das Alpenhaus
Underserved groups are not necessarily 'hard to reach' – services are. The kick-off workshop will present the NLO Service Design Checklist, a tool aiming to develop accessible health and support services. It will also discuss recent policy developments in light of the launch of the Joint Statement under the NLO Thematic Network. The Joint Statement will focus on common challenges and barriers of marginalised communities and discuss practical recommendations with regard to access to healthcare.

2. NLO Exhibition
3-4 October 2019, all day, Tauernplatz
This interactive photography exhibition will allow participants to engage first-hand with NLO communities’ experiences and cross-sectorial perspectives. Politics of representation are called into question to challenge the mainstream characterisation of marginalisation and to overcome bias hindering equitable access. A true journey into the lives, problems and opportunities of target communities, who will share their insights through images and storytelling and will give a human face to the NLO initiative.

Photo Gallery


Session Recording

Speakers & panellists



  • Boris Azaïs, Director Public Policy, Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD)

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EHFG Headquarters

EHFG Vienna Office

The European Health Forum Gastein has received funding under a project grant from the European Union’s EU4Health programme 2021-2027. Views and opinions expressed on this website are however those of the author only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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