
EHFG Hackathon 2018

2 – 5 October 2018 in Bad Hofgastein, Austria

This year, the European Health Forum Gastein hosted its first hackathon, jointly organised with EIT Health and with the organisational support of PROIDEA. A hackathon nurtures competition built upon collaboration and aims for an acquisition of knowledge, which is expected to bring forward new ideas. The application call was open to anyone interested in developing innovative solutions for health-related problems.

The selected thirty-five participants, with different backgrounds and coming from 18 European countries, have been divided in seven teams and given 36 hours to develop an innovative solution to a problem defined by a group of experts.

EHFG Hackathon 2018

The Three Finalists

Project 1: GoBot

GoBot, the winning project of the jury prize and the bootcamp participation, is – as described by its developers – “a chatbot solution that assists young people while partying and makes sure that everybody gets home safe. GoBot relies on three pillars that make it attractive for the young population (15-29): connecting youngsters in a short-term social network, keeping an eye on the user, and incentivizing responsible behaviours with in-app discounts”.

Project 2: Alco-Drops

Alco-Drops, winner of the audience prize, is - as framed by its inventors – “an innovative educational experience which provides a simulated story with multiple real-life scenarios showing the dangers of alcohol misuse. The experience will be provided to pupils (11-16), in a classroom, using virtual reality glasses, an omnidymensional treadmill and a smart suit, which will stimulate all senses barring taste virtual reality technology”.

Project 3: Ride for Ride (R4R)

The third finalist project, Ride for Ride (R4R), is “a digital platform that encourages social responsibility by giving young people who have been drinking, the option to be driven home safely without having to pay money. The driver, most likely another young person, receives a service rating and digital tokens, that can be later used for a future free ride or for discounts on campus.”




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The European Health Forum Gastein has received funding under a project grant from the European Union’s EU4Health programme 2021-2027. Views and opinions expressed on this website are however those of the author only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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