
A workforce for primary healthcare - Training, attractiveness and skill-mix

Wednesday, 3 October 2018 | 9.00-11.00 | Room 2

Organised by the Austrian Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer Protection & the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies

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Do we have the workforce we need for our new primary healthcare models? And if so, do theywant to work in a primary healthcare setting?

In Europe, many countries are introducing new models of care in order to strengthen primaryhealthcare, often motivated by the need to improve health system performance and long-termsustainability. However, new models of care also require changes in the skills, competences,motivations and attitudes of health professionals. The composition of primary healthcare teamswill need to be adapted, and care delivered through new forms of coordination, teamwork andtask distribution in order to achieve optimal outcomes.

Identifying options for the three interconnected issues of training, attractiveness and skill-mixis therefore a high priority, and will be the central theme of this workshop.

Session recording

Session Recording

Speakers & panellists

Input from

MARTIN SEYCHELL, Deputy Director General for Health and Food Safety, European Commission

ANDREA SIEBENHOFER-KROITZSCH, Professor, Institute of General Medicine and evidence-based care research, Medical University of Graz

CLAUDIA MAIER, Postdoctoral researcher, Department of Health Care Management, Technical University of Berlin

ANITA CHARLESWORTH, Director, The Health Foundation

FLORIN POPA, Structural Reform Support Service (SRSS), European Commission

MARIEKE KROEZEN, Project Manager, Erasmus Medical Centre


MATTHIAS WISMAR, Senior Health Policy Analyst, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies

STEFAN EICHWALDER, Expert, Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer Protection, Austria

Available Biographical information

NameSeychell, Martin
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NameSiebenhofer-Kroitzsch, Andrea
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NameMaier, Claudia
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NameCharlesworth, Anita
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NamePopa, Florin
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NameKroezen, Marieke
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NameWismar, Matthias
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NameEichwalder, Stefan
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