
Man vs. Machine - An Oxford Union style debate on Artificial Intelligence

Friday, 5 October 2018 | 12.00-13.30 | Hotel Das Alpenhaus

Organised by Acumen public affairs

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Motion: AI in healthcare: the rewards outweigh the risks

Healthcare is undergoing a technological revolution. The development of AI for medicalpurposes seemingly holds the key to unlocking massive untapped potential for increased costeffectiveness,efficiency and efficacy. So much so, that growth in the AI health market is expectedto reach a staggering $6.6 billion by 2021 compared to just $600 million in 2014. The rapid riseof AI technology in the healthcare sector - worryingly for some – makes it seem that the daysof reliance on a human doctor’s advice are numbered. The “Man vs Machine” session, will posemany far-reaching questions as to the future of healthcare itself and the extent to which weshould rely on computers to optimise cost, access and quality of patient treatment worldwide.The session will follow the format of an Oxford-Union style debate. The House, representedby the moderator, will introduce a motion, on which the audience will cast a pre-debate vote.During the debate, each side, one in favour of the motion and the other against, will have tenminutes to present their arguments through a proposer and a seconder. After initial argumentshave been expounded, the moderator will field questions from the floor, which both sides areobliged to answer in up to two minutes per question per side. Following the Q&A, the two teamswill have five minutes to make concluding remarks. At the end a final vote will take place anda winner will be announced.

Session Recording

Session Recording

Speakers & panellists

In favour of the motion

BRIAN O'CONNOR, Chair, European Connected Health Alliance

RACHEL DUNSCOMBE, CIO, Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust

Against the motion

MARTIN MCKEE, Professor of European Public Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

TAMSIN ROSE, Senior Fellow, Friends of Europe


DAVID ROSE, Director, LACS Training

Available Biographical Information

NameDunscombe, Rachel
CVDownload PDF
NameMcKee, Martin
CVDownload PDF
NameRose, David
CVDownload PDF
NameRose, Tamsin
CVDownload PDF
NameO'Connor, Brian
CVDownload PDF


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