
All Policies for a Healthy Europe

Wednesday, 3 October 2018 | 14.45-17.15 | Room 1

Organised by Johnson & Johnson

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2019 will be a crucial year for the future of health in Europe. With the European elections in May, followed by the appointment of a new European Commission, it is vital that the health community should challenge the narrow conception of ‘health’ in current policy debates.

The aim of this session is to develop an ‘All Policies for a Healthy Europe’ vision for the next Commission, with improved health and well-being set as a strategic goal for the years 2020-25. This would recognise social, economic, and environmental determinants of health, and the positive impact that all sectors can have on health in Europe – for example, through a focus on early childhood development, a life course approach to mental health and well-being, and an ethical, people-centred application of the digital revolution to societal health needs.

Building on the work of last year’s EHFG, the session will draw upon the knowledge and expertise of all session participants through a World Café style debate. The session outcomes will then be used in the development of an actionable campaign document that can provide the basis for shared advocacy on health and well-being in the lead up to the European elections.

The session will be divided into two parts:


Session Recording

Session Recording

Speakers & panellists

Part I: Intersectoral action on health - panel debate

Speakers will discuss how an All Policies for a Healthy Europe approach at EU level could be implemented – for example through the appointment of a Commission Vice President responsible for intersectoral action on health; a new health impact assessment procedure across sectors; and an enhanced role for DG SANTE in policy scanning and identifying opportunities for cooperation beyond the health sector.


CAROLINE COSTONGS, Director, EuroHealthNet

ZOLTÁN MASSAY-KOSUBEK, Policy Manager, Health Policy Coherence, European Public Health Alliance

ZEGER VERCOUTEREN, Vice President, Government Affairs & Policy, Johnson & Johnson

ERIKA WIDEGREN, CEO, Re-Imagine Europa

RACHEL DUNSCOMBE, CIO of Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust, CEO of NHS Digital Academy, ECHAlliance Ambassador


ROBERT MADELIN, Chairman, Fipra International

Part II: Co-creating a multi-stakeholder campaign - World Café

Session participants will be asked to discuss and propose actions and policies to be taken forward by the next Commission. The discussion will be structured in three thematic rounds: i. Healthy Societies; ii. Health Systems; and iii. Healthy Environment. Synergies with the Sustainable Development Goals, and the opportunities provided by new digital technologies, should be considered under each theme.


JOSEPH ELBORN, President, European Health Parliament, will give a short introduction to the Wolrd Café debate.


Following the World Café, speakers will highlight some of the most interesting and promising suggestions, and the Chair will outline Next Steps in the development of the campaign.

Available Biographical Information

NameCostongs, Caroline
CVDownload PDF
NameElborn, Joseph
CVDownload PDF
NameMassay-Kosubek, Zoltan
CVDownload PDF
NameVercouteren, Zeger
CVDownload PDF
NameWidegren, Erika
CVDownload PDF
NameDunscombe, Rachel
CVDownload PDF
NameMadelin, Robert
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PresentationDownload PDF


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The European Health Forum Gastein has received funding under a project grant from the European Union’s EU4Health programme 2021-2027. Views and opinions expressed on this website are however those of the author only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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