
How Good Are Our Medicines? - An operational agenda for EU & national policy-makers

Wednesday, 3 October 2018 | 14.45-17.15 | Room 2

Open Society Foundations (OSF), The European Alliance for Responsible R&D and Affordable Medicines (European Alliance), and The European Public Health Alliance (EPHA)

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Read the conference report

Evidentiary requirements and the medicines regulatory framework in Europe are integral parts of the access to medicines debate and deserve much more attention. Our session builds on last year’s agenda-setting session and will outline actionable recommendations for medicines regulatory reform in order to achieve meaningful public health needs-driven innovation for the benefit of all patients.

Furthermore, the conference comes at a critical juncture when Europe is debating the role of Health Technology Assessment (HTA), and how to ensure that public investment in medical R&D translates to the medicines we need being developed and made available at prices that patients and governments can afford. The session will draw the link between HTA and the regulatory environment and provide answers to the conundrum of weak evidence-high prices policy-makers across Europe face.

The session will be highly interactive while no presentations will be allowed in order to guarantee a lively and comprehensive conversation amongst panelists and with the audience.

Session recording

Session recording

Speakers & panellists


KITI KAJANA PHILLIPS, Program Officer, Access to Medicines & Innovation, Public Health Program, Open Society Foundations (OSF)

Panel 1 - Assessing the Quality of Innovation

WOLF-DIETER LUDWIG, Chairman, Drug Commission, German Medical Association and EMA Management Board member

AMEET SARPATWARI, Instructor in Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Associate Epidemiologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Assistant Director of the Program On Regulation, Therapeutics And Law (PORTAL), Harvard University

NATASHA AZZOPARDI-MUSCAT, President, European Public Health Association (EUPHA)

BART VERMEULEN, Deputy Director Healthcare, Office of the Minister of Social Affairs and Public Health, Belgium

Moderation Panel 1

YANNIS NATSIS, Policy Manager for Universal Access and Affordable Medicines, EPHA

Panel 2 - Case Studies & Tools for Change

CAROLINE IZAMBERT, Citizen advocacy and campaigns coordinator, AIDES

LUISA CRISIGIOVANNI, Secretary General, Altroconsumo

ADRIAN VAN DEN HOVEN, Director General, Medicines for Europe

VANESSA LOPEZ, Executive Director, Salud por Derecho

Moderation Panel 2

KITI KAJANA PHILLIPS, Program Officer, Access to Medicines & Innovation, Public Health Program, Open Society Foundations (OSF)

Available Biographical Information

NameLudwig, Wolf-Dieter
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NameSarpatwari, Ameet
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NameAzzopardi-Muscat, Natasha
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NameNatsis, Yannis
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NameIzambert, Caroline
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NameCrisigiovanni, Luisa
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Namevan den Hoven, Adrian
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NameCrisigiovanni, Luisa
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NameLopez, Vanessa
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