
Early diagnosis linking Big Data - hope or nightmare?

Thursday, 5 October 2017 | 12.00-13.30 | Hotel Das Alpenhaus

Hosted by Roche

How can Big Data leverage the progress of personalised healthcare and innovation with regard to early diagnosis? Attendees of this lunch workshop are invited to discuss this issue with leading experts.

Two disease patterns will serve as focal points. For breast cancer patients, early diagnosis combined with the use of readily available treatments has resulted in successful outcomes, while for Alzheimer's disease, early diagnosis seems to remain an elusive goal with serious ethical issues linked to the changing definitions of the disease.

Will the increasing amount of information that delivers indicators on patient's predispositions join the dots in treatment or rather menace civil and human rights? Will  Big Data lead to fewer diseases or to a perspective in which humans are seen primarily as producers of data?

Different scenarios concerning both opportunities and challenges regarding  Big Data driven advancements in early diagnostics will be discussed from the perspectives of patients, healthcare practitioners and policy leaders alike.

L4 Programme PDF

Speakers & panellists

The evolution of early diagnosis and treatment in Breast Cancer and its impact on patients & society

DIETMAR BERGER, Global Head, Clinical Hematology and Oncology, Genentech

The challenges and opportunities to early diagnosis in Alzheimer’s Disease

MARC WORTMANN, Former Executive Director, Alzheimer`s Disease International

Big Data as a driver of early diagnosis and treatment

REINHARD RIEDL, Head of Transdisciplinary BFH Center Digital Society, Berne, Switzerland


ARMIN FIDLER, Senior Lecturer and Member of the Faculty, Management Center Innsbruck (MCI), and former Lead Adviser for Health Policy and Strategy, Human Development Network, The World Bank

Biographical information

NameBerger, Dietmar
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NameFidler, Armin
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NameRiedl, Reinhard
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NameWortmann, Marc
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