
Making cancer care more efficient - What role can different stakeholders play?

Wednesday, 4 October 2017 | 14.45-17.15 | Room 1

Organised by All.Can | Secretariat represented by The Health Policy Partnership

Achieving greater efficiency in cancer care requires new ways of working between all stakeholders – including healthcare professionals, patients and patient groups, academia, payers, policymakers, the life sciences industry, researchers and also more non-traditional stakeholders such as IT and data providers.

This session aims to get people to think differently about how we can foster innovation (and better care for patients) in cancer, looking across the care continuum and among different sectors.

Key questions to be addressed in this session:

  • What is meant by waste and inefficiency in cancer care?
  • What are concrete examples of solutions and innovations that tackle waste, and how can we do things more efficiently to benefit patients?
  • What structural, cultural and political barriers hinder implementing solutions at scale?
  • Whom must we involve to change things (thinking particularly beyond the health sector)?
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Eurohealth Gastein Edition 2017

Speakers & panellists

Interventions form

TIT ALBREHT, Head of the Centre for Health Care, National Institute of Public Health, Slovenia

BIRGIT BEGER, CEO, European CanCer Organisation (ECCO)

DEEPAK KHANNA, Senior Vice President and Regional President (EMEAC), MSD Oncology

KATHY OLIVER, Chair and Co-Director, International Brain Tumour Alliance (IBTA)

WENDY YARED, Director, Association of European Cancer Leagues (ECL)


VIVEK MUTHU, Marivek Ltd.

Biographical information

NameAlbreht, Tit
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NameBeger, Birgit
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NameKhanna, Deepak
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NameMuthu, Vivek
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NameOliver, Kathy
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NameYared, Wendy
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