
Transforming food systems – adding value for better health in Europe

Wednesday, 4 October 2017 | 14.45-17.15 | Room 2

Organised by Federal Ministry of Health and Woman’s Affairs of Austria

During the last century, the intention of European food policies was to tackle undernutrition and food insecurity by making food affordable and available to everybody. Unfortunately, this success story has also had some unintended consequences.
Diets characterised by frequent consumption of processed foods high in saturated and trans-fats, refined carbohydrates and salt and a low intake of vegetables, fruits and whole grain foods are now  widespread in Europe, with rising obesity prevalence and a significant disease burden. Consequently, more attention and efforts are needed to change towards a truly “healthy eating environment”.

To achieve this, panellists will discuss what incentives and disincentives are currently influencing and constraining actors in the modern food supply chains.

  • What are the entry points for changing food systems?
  • What is the role of food chain length?
  • What might encourage sectors involved in food systems to innovate further and bring their competitors with them in a healthier direction?
F1 Programme PDF

Speakers & panellists

Part 1: Inputs & panel discussion

Setting the scene: WHO priorities for actions, interrelations between NCDs and lifestyle with a focus on nutrition

JO JEWELL, WHO Regional Office for Europe

Developments and prospects in research related to food systems and health, inter-sectoral collaborations

KAREN FABBRI, Head of Sector, FOOD 2030, DG Research and Innovation (DG RTD), European Commission

Latest knowledge on priorities for transforming food systems

CORINNA HAWKES, Professor of Food Policy, Director, Centre for Food Policy, City, University of London

Part 2: Inputs & panel discussion

Overview of the organisation, localisation along the food value chain, perspective and priorities

JAVIER VALLE, Senior Policy Advisor, COPA & COGECA (European Farmers & European Agri-Cooperatives)

JOHANN MARIHART, President, Food Industries Association of Austria

ELS BEDERT, Adviser, Food & Non-Food Product Safety, EuroCommerce


CLIVE NEEDLE, Senior Policy Advisor, EuroHealthNet

Biographical information

NameBedert, Els
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NameFabbri, Karen
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NameHawkes, Corinna
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NameJewell, Jo
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NameMarihart, Johann
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NameNeedle, Clive
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NameValle, Javier
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