
Healthy ageing: West meets East

Thursday, 29.09.2016 | 09:00 - 11:30 | Room

Organised by Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taiwan R.O.C. in cooperation with London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK

Countries across the world are faced with ageing populations, with many implications for the provision of services, the design of our cities, and the ways in which all this is funded. How should societies in the East and the West respond to their changing demographics, and what evidence do we have to support actions to promote healthy ageing and to address the opportunities and challenges posed by ageing populations? In this session we will explore these themes, with a particular focus on learning lessons from differences in approaches and responses between Asia and Europe.

Part 1 | Are EHFG 2016 delegates ageing healthily?

Introduction & interactive quiz

MARTIN MCKEE, Professor of Public Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Part 2 | Built environment and active ageing – evidence and actions

• What are the key considerations for the design and planning of the built environment with reference to active and healthy ageing?
• What are the most relevant factors to consider for designing an age-friendly urban transport system and facilitating mobility in built environments?
• What kind of digital solutions are being developed for the built environment to facilitate active and healthy ageing?
• What will age-friendly urban environments look like in 20 years time?


YUAN-NIAN HSU, Director-General, Health Bureau of Taichung City Government, Taiwan R.O.C.

SERENA GIRANI, Architect, Arup, Italy

Part 3 | Developing age-friendly health and social care systems

• How do we ensure that health and care services are designed and run as effectively and supportively as possible for older people?
• What are the differences between Asia and Europe in terms of how long-term care is financed?
• How do both Asia and Europe deal with health workforce shortages and how will they finance future needs?


LIANG-KUNG CHEN, Director, Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan R.O.C.

YVONNE DOYLE, Regional Director for London, Public Health England


MARTIN MCKEE, Professor of Public Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine


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