
Desperate migration and health – impact and remedies

Thursday, 29.09.2016 | 09:00 - 11:30 | Room

Organised by International Peace Institute

People on the move are vulnerable and have health needs that must be addressed. While migration and refugee issues are gaining attention, there is less focus on the link between migration and health and the challenges we are facing.

This session will take a solutionsbased approach to discuss this highly topical issue and what remedial action can be taken to cope more effectively with this challenge.

What are the health needs of people on the move? What is the impact on the societies that they are moving through, or to? The issue deserves attention because of the vulnerability of those on the move. Furthermore, with climate change, inequality and instability in several countries the trend is bound to increase. The goal of this forum and its panel discussion is to look at the relationship between health and migration. It will look at what health issues humanitarian responders (particularly in Europe) need to consider in the context of migration and the impact of migration on health systems.

Panel discussion

Miriam Rabkin, Associate Professor for Epidemiology and Medicine, Columbia University Medical Center

Julie Lyn Hall, Director for Health and Care, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

Bernd Rechel, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies

Jessica Reinisch, Director, Centre for the Study of Internationalism, University of London

Davide Mosca, Director, Migration Health Division, International Organization for Migration (HQs Geneva)


Walter Kemp, Senior Vice President, International Peace Institute


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