
European Health Award 2015

Winner & short-listed projects

We would like to congratulate the winning project Health with Migrants for Migrants in Europe.
The project Health with Migrants for Migrants in Europe (MiMi) is improving migrants’ and refugees’ access to health services by increasing their health literacy and capacity building. MiMi’s key technology for social inclusion includes executive education for intercultural mediators, health campaigns in migrant communities, multilingual health guides to explain health systems, related health topics or healthy life styles, networking and evaluation.

The training of mediators and pilots and the native language information transfer in the life worlds of migrants (, intercultural setting approach ') is a promising way to reach migrants for health promotion and prevention, to inform them and raise their awareness of a health-conscious life. The largest and most successful project of this is the MiMi Health Project "With immigrants for immigrants - MiMi program International" of the Ethno-Medical Centre. MiMi has been implemented in Germany since 2003 in 61 locations and in Austria since 2013 in the regions of Vienna and Upper Austria (Linz etc.). With regards to the MiMi program, the Ethno-Medical Centre has set itself the target to counteract the health disadvantage of immigrants and integrate them into a process both of prevention and of capacity building, health promotion and health literacy

Participating countries: Germany and Austria

Health with Migrants for Migrants in Europe


Project 1: ProYouth Initiative

The "ProYouth initiative" aims at the enhancement of the mental health of adolescents and young adults via an Internet-based programme (the “ProYouth online portal”). This online portal was designed to give young people access to evidence-based health promotion material and online support tools that enable them to identify (through online screening) and treat (via online counsellors & peer-to-peer chat rooms) eating disorders related to mental health problems.

Participating countries: Germany, Hungary, Romania, Czech Republic, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, France, Turkey

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Project 2: EU Regulation of Cross-border Healthcare Research Project

The project examines the policy-making process behind the adoption of the European Patients' Rights Directive, 2011/24/EU and its subsequent implementation in selected member states. The project combines a focus on the inter-institutional, judicial and political dynamics of European Union (EU) policy-making with comparative research on national implementation processes.

Participating countries: Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Spain, Poland, the Czech Republic and Bulgaria

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Project 3: Health with Migrants for Migrants in Europe (MiMi)

Project 4: KSYOS TeleMedical Centre

KSYOS TeleMedical Centre, as an SME, is the first health centre solely delivering health services by means of TeleMedicine, therefore also referred to as virtual hospital. Over 7.000 contracted KSYOS health workers have given quicker and better care at lower costs to over 300.000 patients in somatic fields as well as in eMental health.

Participating countries: Netherlands, United Kingdom, Norway, France, Spain and Switzerland

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Project 5: Cross-border care for children with psychiatric disorders

The project "Cross-border care for children with psychiatric disorders" is first benefit obligation in health care between a German clinic (Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in Aachen) and a foreign country (German-speaking Community of Belgium). It provides a cross-border inpatient treatment opportunity in mother tongue for German-speaking Belgian children with psychiatric disorders.

Participating countries: Germany and the German speaking community of Belgium

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Project 6: Nutrition and Physical Activity without Borders (Interreg IVa Project)

In the “Nutrition and Physical Activity without Borders” research project we identify successful health promotion factors (new teaching and learning methods and materials) for developing intercultural skills in promoting nutrition and physical activity among target groups both inside and outside schools.

Participating countries: Denmark and Germany

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Press releases & supporting materials

EHA Winner 2015
EHA 2015 - Shortlisted projects announced

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EHFG Vienna Office

The European Health Forum Gastein has received funding under a project grant from the European Union’s EU4Health programme 2021-2027. Views and opinions expressed on this website are however those of the author only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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