
Equity and solidarity

Friday, 02.10.2015 | 15:30 - 17:30

Organised by Institute for Eastern Studies Foundation in cooperation with Janssen

Equity and solidarity in EU healthcare systems. Facts and myths. What are the potential hurdles in accessibility to innovative cancer care in Central Eastern European (CEE) countries?

Cancer care has raised many discussions so far, mainly due to accessibility to innovative therapies. This workshop will explore the foundations for action in terms of solidarity and equity of accessibility to innovative cancer care in CEE region. We aim to trigger the discussion and review different points of view on ageing population, schemes of financing, health inequalities and the social determinants of health.

In order to provide a holistic and efficient approach, responsibility should be shared across various levels of stakeholders. Starting from this, this session will explore:
• crucial factors related to economy of CEE countries that may affect accessibility to innovative cancer care;
• health inequalities, an ageing population and the social factors of health, which play a significant role in challenging healthcare systems to go beyond medical problems;
• solidarity and equity of access – challenging questions regarding: comprehensiveness, financing, and inclusion of the social solidarityprinciple.


Ananda Plate, Operations Manager, Myeloma Patients Europe

Martin Price, VP HEMAR, Janssen - Cilag UK

Maciej Niewada, Medical University of Warsaw (WUM), Poland

Federico Paoli, Healthcare Systems Unit, DG Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE), European Commission


Peter O'Donnell, Contributing Editor, POLITICO

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