

Wednesday, 30.09.2015 | 18:00 - 19:30

Organised by AstraZeneca, European Alliance of Personalised Medicine (EAPM), European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) and Vital Transformation

New paths to personalised medicine: How Medicine’s Adaptive Pathways to Patients (MAPPs) and breakthrough designation will impact patients

Healthcare is being driven relentlessly forward through an accelerating process of furious technological innovation. The powerful mix of genomics, proteomics, Big Data and Moore’s law are creating a tidal wave of new targeted ‘personalised’ therapies that address the particular needs of patients with increasing accuracy.

But while the long-awaited promise of personalised medicine is finally arriving, the regulatory structures required for their evaluation and reimbursement are still based around the blockbuster models of the last century.

This live webcasted session will focus on MAPPs in Europe and breakthrough designation in the USA – two new approaches to regulatory evaluation that are being implemented and investigated. In a moderated discussion with experts, the audience and live participation from the public via Twitter, we will investigate what the potential long-term implications of these new models for personalised medicines are, and what their adoption means for regulators, payers, patients and society as a whole.


Chris Hoyle, Director, Health Economics & Payer Analytics (Oncology), AstraZeneca

Carole M Longson, Director Centre for Health Technology Evaluation, NICE

Gordon McVie, Senior Consultant, European Institute of Oncology; EAPM Secretary

Amy M Miller, Executive VP, Personalized Medicine Coalition

Stanimir Hasurdjiev, Secretary General, Patient Access Partnership


Duane Schulthess, Managing Director, Vital Transformation

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