
Empowerment in practice

Thursday, 01.10.2015 | 12:00 - 13:30 | Hotel Grand Park

Organised by the European Patients' Forum (EPF) in cooperation with SANOFI

Patients living with chronic conditions become experts in the management of their condition. They are able to identify unmet service needs and point out waste and inefficiencies in the healthcare system. Research has shown that patient-centred care models are cost-effective and lead to better outcomes and patient satisfaction. Thus, patient empowerment can be a vital element of high-quality, sustainable, equitable and cost-effective health systems. This workshop is one of the milestones of a major European Patients' Forum-led campaign on patient empowerment entitled 'Patients Prescribe'.

Keynote: Concept of empowerment

Marta Ballester, Project Coordinator, Avedis Donabedian Research Institute, University of Barcelona, Spain - representing the EMPATHIE consortium

Empowerment in practice: patient information and health literacy, self-management of healthcare, patient and health professional relationships

Inger Ekman, Director, Centre for Person-centred Care, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Theo Raynor, Professor of Pharmacy Practice, School of Healthcare, University of Leeds, UK

Nicolaj Holm Faber, Chief Consultant, Danish Committee for Health Education, Denmark

Eric Racine, VP and Head Global Patient Advocacy, Sanofi

The European Patients' Forum campaign

Anders Olauson, President, European Patients' Forum

Audience discussion

Chaired by

Tamsin Rose, Non-resident Fellow, Friends of Europe

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