
Measuring 'value'

Thursday, 01.10.2015 | 12:00 - 14:00 | Room 1

Organised by European Cancer Leagues, European Health Management Association and Roche

Scoping the 'value of innovation': starting to measure the unmeasurable

in a world where medical innovations are increasingly prevalent but healthcare budgets are constrained, it is important to find ways to optimise equitable access to healthcare systems and treatments. 

In the oncology setting, the EU Joint Action for Cancer Control aims to reduce the burden of cancer and decrease inequalities between Member States. To do so, a broad definition of 'value' must be applied to facilitate universal access to cancer treatments, a key component in cancer control. New models of value are needed to take into account broader societal considerations, which are transposable and scalable across chronic conditions. 

Leveraging the policy-driven PlayDecide methodology, participants will co-create the criteria needed to define 'the value of innovation' in definition and scope. 

Participants will explore which (non-) financial benefits to society, inside and beyond the healthcare system, should be considered as part of the scope value. Including: economic productivity, effect of non-access to innovation on patients' families and general well-being. 


Wendy Yared, Director, European Cancer Leagues (ECL)

Jeni Bremner, Director, European Health Management Association (EHMA)

Irina Odnoletkova, Head of HTA Taskforce, AIM

Kaisa Immonen-Charalambous, Senior Policy Advisor, European Patients' Forum (EPF)


Jacqueline Bowman-Busato, Head of Public Affairs, Porter Novelli

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