
Health for jobs and prosperity in SEE

Thursday, 02.10.2014 | 18:00 - 19:30

Organised by South-eastern Europe Health Network in conjunction with WHO Regional Office for Europe

Supported by EuroHealthNet, CRPRC Studiorum, Regional Cooperation Council and International Forum Gastein

This workshop offers a presentation and discussion of the SEE 2020 Growth Strategy as a key policy commitment of the South-eastern Europe Health Network (SEEHN), the main contributor to and promoter of the health dimension in the SEE 2020 Strategy.

The main objectives of the session are to:

  • Present and discuss the health vision in the SEE 2020 Strategy, in relation to inclusive growth from a European perspective.
  • Explore the lessons learned (and) how to utilise health as an entry point and as a sector to boost the economy, and to generate employment and prosperity while striving towards improved health and well-being.
  • Generate debate and gather feedback from the audience on implementing the health dimension of SEE 2020 Strategy.


Zsuzsanna Jakab, Regional Director, WHO Regional Office for Europe (tbc)

Goran Cerkez, Assistant Minister for International Cooperation and Coordination of Strategy Development, Federal Ministry of Health, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Chair of the Executive Committee, South-eastern Europe Health Network (SEEHN)

Regional cooperation for health supported inclusive growth in SEE. The political imperative and policy opportunities

Nikola Todorov, Minister of Health, Republic of Macedonia (tbc)

Health as an entry point for national and local development and well-being. Learning from real world experiences in Montenegro, Romania and Slovenia

Tatjana Buzeti, National Centre for Health and Development, Murska Sobota, Slovenia

Andrej Vrsic, Director, Local Tourist Board, Slovenia

Adriana Galan, National Institute of Public Health, Romania

Natasa Terzic, Director, Centre for Health System Development, Institute of Public Health, Montenegro


David Hunter, Professor, Health Policy and Management, Durham University, UK

Neda Milevska Kostova, Executive Director, CRPRC Studiorum

Elke Jakubowski, Programme Manager, WHO Regional Office for Europe

Caroline Costongs, Managing Director, EuroHealthNet

Nand Shani, Senior Expert on Inclusive Growth, Regional Cooperation Council

Closing remarks

Goran Cerkez, Assistant Minister for International Cooperation and Coordination of Strategy Development, Federal Ministry of Health, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Chris Brown, Programme Manager, Office for Investment for Health and Development (WHO Venice Office), WHO Regional Office for Europe

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