
Patient empowerment

Thursday, 02.10.2014 | 12:30 - 14:00

Organised by the European Patients’ Forum in cooperation with Sanofi

Recent austerity measures have impacted on patient access to screening, diagnosis, treatment, care and rehabilitation. This decreasing and, in many cases, unequal access to healthcare has intensified the debate on health inequalities and health outcomes across the EU. Concepts such as equity and patient empowerment are increasingly part of these discussions.

The workshop will present an opportunity to:

  • hear about and discuss equity and empowerment in and access to healthcare,
  • be informed about the Stakeholder Partnership on Equity of Access to Healthcare,
  • discuss how health stakeholders can align priorities and cooperate to ensure that empowerment and equity in health become a EU reality.


Ilona Kickbusch, Director, Global Health Programme, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Switzerland

Stanimir Hasardzhiev, Board Member, European Patients' Forum

Ian Banks, President, European Men’s Health Forum

Milena Richter, Senior Director, European Affairs, Sanofi

Nicola Bedlington, Executive Director, European Patients' Forum

Nathalie Chaze, Head of Unit, Healthcare Systems Unit, DG Health and Consumers, European Commission

John Bowis, former Member of the European Parliament


Tamsin Rose, Progress Works

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