
Transatlantic lessons

Thursday, 03.10.2013 | 18:00 - 19:30

Organised by European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies

What can the US and Europe learn from each other?

The US and Europe are considered to differ fundamentally in terms of how healthcare is organised. Traditionally, Europe focuses on the significant gaps in coverage in the US with large parts of the population uninsured or underinsured. On the other hand, in the US the European model is often pictured as rigid and overregulated. These stereotypes may cloud our views and impede the potential to learn from each other’s experience. With the new Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that was adopted in 2010, it may seem that the US health system is converging towards the European model. However, similarly, reforms in Europe over the last two decades have been inspired by concepts and ideas that crossed the Atlantic, such as managed care and competition. In the face of a global economic crisis with soaring public budgets, it is time to take a closer look at each other’s health system policies and identify best practices that could help to overcome the immense health challenges ahead.

At this event the Observatory's newest Hit health system review on the United states will be presented and launched.


Andrew J Barnes, Assistant Professor, Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine, USA

Uwe E Reinhardt, Professor of Economics and Public Affairs, Princeton University, USA

Maria M Hofmarcher, European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research, Austria

Ewout van Ginneken, WHO Collaborating Centre for Health Systems Research and Management, Berlin University of Technology, Germany

Bernard Merkel, Policy Analyst, DG Health and Consumers, European Commission

Richard B Saltman, Professor of Health Policy and Management, Emory University, USA


Josep Figueras, Director, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies

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