
Health economics

Wednesday, 02.10.2013 | 18:30 - 20:00

Organised by Federal Ministry of Health, Austria

Stress test for health economics

Most European health systems face more or less similar conditions: health expenditures are rising for different reasons whereas available funding - depending on the general status of national economies - remains on the same level or is even decreasing.

Only a few countries plan to increase health expenditures in a moderate way in the years to come.

Measures have to be taken to maintain health systems resilient and innovative over a longer period.

Health economists are asked to offer support and provide their advice. But are their findings transferable into tangible health policy measures? Are decisions in health politics based on scientific evidence and good data or are decisions conditioned by other factors?

The goal of this workshop is to work out whether health economics is able to prepare or facilitate political processes and decision-making or if health economics has its strength only in retrospective analysis.


Peter C Smith, Imperial College London, UK

Robert B Saltman, Health Policy and Management, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, USA

Clemens-Maria Auer, Federal Ministry of Health, Austria


Thomas Czypionka, Institute for Advanced Studies, Austria

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