
Tackling NCD in Russia & CIS

Wednesday, 02.10.2013 | 09:00 - 12:00

Organised by Non-commercial Partnership Equal Right to Life

Supported by Roche-Moscow and R-Pharm

Harnessing innovations to improve access and quality of NCD treatment in Russia and CIS

How to tackle Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) is a growing topic of importance in emerging markets and middle income countries. The Russian Federation could be perceived as a benchmark country in this group with regard to how NCD issues are being addressed.

During the course of the workshop a clear action plan of work on NCD should be developed.


D Borisov, ERL, Russian Federation

Representative of Federal Ministry of Health, Russian Federation

EI Alexeeva, Federal State Budgetary Institution, Scientific Centre of Children'S Health, Russian Academy of Medical Science, Russian Federation

R Khabriev, Institute of Public Healthcare, Russian Federation

V Yanin, Minister of Public Health, Krasnoyarsk Region, Russian Federation

Further speakers

Representative of the Ministry of Health, Kazakhstan

Representatives of the Federal and Regional Healthcare Authorities from Russian Federation and CIS countries

WHO representatives

Healthcare administrators

Representatives of Patients' Advocacy

Groups and NGO leaders


O Chestnov, Assistant Director-General, NCD and Mental Health, WHO

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