
Navigating health systems

Thursday, 03.10.2013 | 12:30 - 14:00

Organised by the World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe

In April 2013 the Government of Norway hosted a WHO High-Level Meeting in Oslo on “Health systems in times of global economic crisis: an update of the situation in the WHO European Region”.

The objective of this session is to review the latest evidence on the impact of the economic crisis on population health and on health systems in the WHO European Region, particularly in the following broad areas:

  • Maintaining and reinforcing equity, solidarity and universal coverage
  • Policy responses to growing fiscal pressure, with a focus on hard-hit countries and measures to improve efficiency
  • Improving health system preparedness and resilience

During the workshop we will present the policy lessons and recommendations from the High Level Meeting. These will have been discussed at the WHO Regional Committee in Izmir, Turkey, September 2013 by the 53 WHO European Member States.

Policy lessons and recommendations of the WHO High-Level Meeting in Oslo

Hans Kluge, WHO Regional Office for Europe

Health financing policy in times of economic crisis

Tamás Evetovits, Acting Head, WHO Barcelona Office

Panel discussion

Josep Figueras, Director, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies

Clive Needle, Director, EuroHealthNet

Giulia Del Brenna, EU Task Force for Greece, ECFIN

Gediminas Cerniauskas, Vice Minister of Health, Lithuania


Hans Kluge, WHO Regional Office for Europe

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