
Self-care perceptions

Thursday, 03.10.2013 | 12:30 - 14:00

Organised by European Platform for Patient Organisations, Science and Industry (Epposi)

Epposi Self-Care Perception Barometer: Today’s perception can lead to tomorrow’s reality

Self-Care describes the activities undertaken by individuals and the wider community in order to improve health, prevent disease and manage illness. The take-up of Self-Care coincides with a growing interest in personal health and wellbeing, increased access to health information, and government funded public health promotions that have targeted smoking, obesity and consumption of alcohol. All this means that there needs to be fundamental change to entrench a powerful preventative health culture in the community, including the role of Self-Care for those who are able to take greater responsibility for personal health.

The workshop will explore the results of a major piece of quantitative research establishing a European baseline of public perceptions towards Self-Care gathered in ten EU countries. The session will cover issues such as: How do consumers define self-care? Who do they trust in its delivery? What are the opportunities and risks involved and how can these be managed from a policy to practice perspective?

Multi-stakeholder discussion leaders of an open fishbowl conversation

Audrey Birt, Health and Social Care Alliance

Andrea Pavlickova, Project Manager, Epposi

Paul de Raeve, European Federation of Nurses Associations (EFN)

Ilaria Passarani European Consumer Organization (BEUC)

Vincent Clay, Pfizer


Jacqueline Bowman-Busato, Epposi

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