
Free-Trade Zone EU-US 2

Thursday, 03.10.2013 | 09:00 - 12:00

Organised by European Alliance for Personalised Medicine (EAPM), IPHG at Maastricht University and Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics (MPIMG)

Implications for health systems

The world's biggest free-trade zone negotiations between the EU and the US are a historic opportunity to address legacy issues such as the independence of the national regulatory authorities.

The EU Commissioner for Trade, Karel De Gucht, has called it a “living agreement” to be finished by the end of 2014. The Treaty of Rome (1957) was groundbreaking in promoting the idea of an “ever closer union”. Is that compatible with the Trans-Atlantic Free Trade Agreement (TAFTA)? Politics can shift the sands quickly, creating a “tragedy of the commons” scenario in which an overall positive outcome is blocked by special interests.

On the other hand, there is great hope that cooperation will reduce unnessary regulation on both sides of the Atlantic. However, healthcare is not an arena where the free market works perfectly. For example, can the FDA and other American authorities accept European certificates without question and vice versa?

The parallel forum will discuss the pro-and-con implications for health focussing on products, services, providers and users. Above all, the opportunities for innovation collaboration will be analysed.

The forum will address:
• Medical devices and drugs - regulatory issues and bottlenecks
• Implications for personalised medicine and healthcare
• Importance of positioning
• Adding value for citizens and health systems

Part 3 | Developing age-friendly health and social care systems

• How do we ensure that health and care services are designed and run as effectively and supportively as possible for older people?
• What are the differences between Asia and Europe in terms of how long-term care is financed?
• How do both Asia and Europe deal with health workforce shortages and how will they finance future needs?

Global perspective

Detlev Ganten, President, World Health Summit

Patient organisation perspective

George McVie, Secretary, European Alliance for Personalised Medicine

European Medicines Agency (EMA) perspective

Falk Ehmann, Scientific Support and Projects, European Medicines Agency (EMA), UK

European Parliament perspective

Petru Luhan, Member of the European Parliament (EPP, Romania)


E Anklam, Director, Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements, Joint Research Centre, European Commission


S Berghmans, VP Academic & Research Relations EU, Elsevier Global Academic Relations, The Netherlands

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