

Thursday, 04.10.2012 | 18:00 - 19:30 | Congress Centre 2

Sponsored by MSD and Sanofi Pasteur MSD

Innovative approaches in improving trust and uptake in vaccination

Vaccination stands second only to clean, safe water as the greatest public health intervention. It has prevented countless serious illnesses and premature deaths. Yet despite this, people are becoming increasingly hesitant to embrace vaccination; campaigns are increasingly becoming less effective, with the result that coverage rates dropping below public health objectives.

Given the pivotal role that vaccines have played in the past, why have younger clinicians, patients and parents changed their attitude? Why does the coming generation fail to recognise the importance of vaccination?

Therefore we need to ask whether we are using the proper tools, the correct messages and the appropriate channels to engage effectively with these audiences. Using HPV vaccination as the main case study, we will discuss more effective approaches that address the patient perspective.


B Samolinski, National Consultant in Public Health, Poland

G Lee Mortensen, Medical anthropologist & Research Consultant

H Sundseth, European Institute of Women's Health

S Suggs, Head, BeCHANGE Research Group, University of Lugano (USI), Switzerland

Moderated by

K Kadenbach, Member of the European Parliament, Austria


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