
Reconciling innovation and sustainable healthcare systems – what next for Europe?

Thursday, 04.10.2012 | 12:30 - 14:00 | Congress Centre 1

Sponsored by Merck Serono, Novartis, Hoffman La Roche

Reconciling innovation and sustainable healthcare systems – what next for Europe?

Are innovation and sustainability incompatible?
Which countries in Europe are falling behind in access to pharmaceutical innovation?
How can health care systems ensure access to innovation and remain financially sustainable?
What are the future pricing mechanisms that can enable improved access to innovation?

Join our lunch time session to discuss current research on pharmaceutical access, the health systems funding gap and future policy options to achieve solidarity and sustainability in the European Union.

Expect a lively debate between payers, academics and patients organizations on policy recommendations to increase access to innovation.


P Kanavos, London School of Economics

S Primožic, Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices of the Republic of Slovenia

N Bedlington, European Patients' Forum

D Taylor, University College, London School of Pharmacy

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