

Thursday, 04.10.2012 | 12:30 - 14:00 | Congress Centre 2

Organised by WHO, Regional Office for Europe

Does governance contribute to sustainable health system? Quality assurance and efficiency issues

In a context of decentralisation and patients’ mobility, increasing demand for health care poses challenges in terms of quality assurance and efficiency, particularly in times of financial crisis. Seeking to ensure sustainability by getting more value for money, countries put in place mechanisms to promote better coordination and collaboration between health services providers while maintaining appropriate patient safety.

For these measures to be successful, they need to rely on system stewards capable of undertaking priority- setting, establishing institutional environments to (re)organize actors, ensuring accountability and assessing performance in their efforts to steer the system towards efficiency improvements.

The workshop will focus on health system governance and show it at play in policy initiatives seeking to introduce integration and coordination of care while ensuring patient safety as a means to improve efficiency. Attendees, supported by discussants, will review experiences in several EU countries and discuss the role of health system stewards and the governance function in making health systems more sustainable while continuing to serve the core values of equity and quality of care in the current policy agenda.



H Kluge, Director, Health Systems and Public Health Division, WHO Regional Office for Europe

J Figueras, Director, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies

J Tello, Programme Manager, Health System Governance, Health Systems and Public Health Division, WHO Regional Office for Europe

A Gonzalez, Senior Advisor, Health System Governance, Health Systems and Public Health Division, WHO Regional Office for Europe

L Banfi, Programme Manager, European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

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