
Global Health Governance

Thursday, 04.10.2012 | 09:00 - 12:00 | Congress Centre 2

Organised by Maastricht University and Global Health Europe

Global health governance – Europe and the world

This forum will contribute to the global health governance discourse from an international- as well as European perspective. It will put forward the issues that need to be addressed through a common international approach, with the European Union and the WHO Regional Office for Europe as key actors for the European continent. The forum will achieve this by focusing on some of the multiple and complex issues that affect health and social well-being in a globalized context. In line with ongoing EU policy processes (e.g. Europe 2020, Horizon 2020 and the EU Council Conclusions on Global Health), this session will give impetus to the way forward for global health in the EU.

Go to Session 1

Part 1: Foreign policy for health. The European Union as a global health actor

Chaired by

I Kickbusch, Director, Global Health Europe

H Brand, President, ASPHER

The EU's foreign policy and health

D Guyader, Head of Division for Global Issues, European External Action Service

India and the EU: a shared agenda for health?

K Srinath Reddy, President, Public Health Foundation of India, India

Towards a common approach to global health including EU, EHO and the Member States

Panel discussion


B Menne, Medical Officer, Global Change and Health, WHO

N Tomlinson, Head of EU and Global Affairs, Department of Health, UK

Part 2: Outlook: future global health in Europe

Chaired by

I Kickbusch, Director, Global Health Europe

T Krafft, Professor, Maastricht University

Coordination of EU activities towards good global health

JF Ryan, DG SANCO, European Commission

The academic contribution to global health in the EU

H Brand, President, ASPHER

Reverse innovation: learning from the developing world

D Boyd, Director European Government and Public Policy, GE Healthcare

Global health and social sciences: Changing the tenor

S Yoosuf, Assistant Regional Director, WHO-SEARO (cancelled)

Questions and answers from the audience

Summary of the day and closing remarks

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The European Health Forum Gastein has received funding under a project grant from the European Union’s EU4Health programme 2021-2027. Views and opinions expressed on this website are however those of the author only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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