
Health in Europe - Ready for the Future?

06-09 October 2010, Bad Hofgastein

This year was marked by the growing awareness that the future of health will be complex, with the pace of change accelerating and the boundaries blurring. The discussions have shown that demographic change, globalisation, individualism and new technologies are four trends that will shape our lives in future.

Press releases

08 OCTOBER 2010

Pilot study shows deficits in understanding of health information - New European Health Literary Network founded in Gastein
EU Commissioner Dalli at the European Health Forum Gastein: Tougher stance on tobacco – Innovation partnership on active and healthy ageing
EHFG-President Leiner: Medical science focus not only on the doable – strengthen EU competence in healthcare
European Health Award 2010 goes to Chronic Disease Alliance
Possible shortage of up to two million health care workers by 2020 – EU taking action to prevent impending crisis in providing health care
Healthcare financing: Reorientation regarding medical fees and outpatient care

07 OCTOBER 2010

Experts call for stronger leadership in Europe for global health
Trends in the healthcare system: Futurist Matthias Horx and his seven theses
Health policy focus on urban areas
Ageing societies: Experts demand new views on ageing and its potential
Hungarian Minister of Health Szócska presents health priorities for upcoming EU presidency
Health impact genomics: personalised medicine needs public health framework
New data: Unforeseen hurdles can increase European inequalities in access to optimal care for patients with rare cancers
EHFG-President Leiner calls for European fund for older people – human dignity should not be dependent on area of residence – new charter for care for the most seriously ill and dying
Non-adherence to treatment is a big expense. Innovation alongside better trust between physicians and patients will help improve patient outcomes

06 OCTOBER 2010

HEIDI delivers transparent health information for Europe (EN)
Reproductive health: Chequerboard of infertility treatment in Europe
Multiple sclerosis: Quality of care should not depend on place of residence – Experts call for benchmarks
EU policy-makers call for urgent action to halt the growing epidemic of chronic respiratory diseases
Austrian Health Minister Stöger at EHFG opening: Ensuring solidarity in the financing of healthcare systems
EHFG President Leiner: Decentralized decision-making structures slowing down health care reform

Prior to the EHFG conference

EU expertise on health policy of interest to countries in Balkans and CIS – Special discussion forums in Gastein | (EN) 24.09.2010
European Health Forum Gastein: Motor für die Kongress-Region Gastein | (DE) 09.09.2010
European Health Award 2010: smoke-free classes, Parkinson’s in everyday life, alcohol prevention and cross-border hospital cooperation among the nominated projects | (EN) 23.08.2010
European Health Forum Gastein invites applications for European Health Awards | (EN) 04.06.2010
EHFG President Prof. Leiner: “We need a European fund for the elderly. The finance crisis endangers aging in dignity.” | (EN) 13.05.2010

EHFG News & Updates

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The European Health Forum Gastein has received funding under a project grant from the European Union’s EU4Health programme 2021-2027. Views and opinions expressed on this website are however those of the author only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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