
Health & Wealth

01-04 October 2003, Bad Gastein

The sixth EHFG took place from 1st to 4th October 2003 in Bad Gastein. 479 participants meant a new record. The general theme of the congress was "Health and Wealth. Economic and Social Determinants of Health". The parallel fora investigated a series of pivotal challenges for European health policy, among others pharmaceutical policy in Europe, a macro-economic view of the health sector and healthy ageing. The workshops also addressed a number of timely issues such as crisis management and health policy against the backdrop of the SARS epidemy, safety and quality of human blood products in an enlarged Europe and patient oriented quality management in healthcare.

Press releases

01-04 OCTOBER 2003

A pill for more power at work? Innovative drug development as an economic life-serum
To save by all means? Opening speech
Development of new medicines in the fight against AIDS
Many pills, long life? Research and development as top priorities of politics
Europe's fight against SARS
Can the EU afford it's citizens' life expectancy?
The role of pharmaceutical companies as research innovators in the Austrian economy
Is the dominance of the elderly a threat for our health system?
The challenges for health systems in an enlarged Europe
A macro-economic view of the health sector
The pharmaceutical industry's perspective in an enlarged Europe
Health means wealth
EU Eastern Enlargement: Chances and risks for health systems
Health vs wealth
Blood transfusions: standards and controls

EHFG News & Updates

EHFG Headquarters

EHFG Vienna Office

The European Health Forum Gastein has received funding under a project grant from the European Union’s EU4Health programme 2021-2027. Views and opinions expressed on this website are however those of the author only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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